Sunday, 13 September 2009


I'm so falling in love with LDN!!!
Absolutely happening~~ Oh yeh oh yeh~!!!
Thames festival today super crowded, many people from all over the world and a huge variety of food stalls and cultural performances and art... There's just so much to see!
The wonderful second night in London ended with a spectacular firework on the River Thames yay!

Yvonne from LDN with love~

Sunday, 6 September 2009

Good Bye for Good

To say good bye is to let go,
To let go is to fear holding on;
To forget is to forgo the fear, and
To move on is to let the feelings fade away.

But no matter what I do,
Or how far I go,
You're the shadow that remains closely attached,
Appearing during the lonely nights of the cold winter.

Digging into my soul like spilt ink on the paper.

Yee Voon Tham
7 September 2009